Salesforce Consultant is not a strange position for Carlijn, because she was already introduced to the CRM system no less than 6 years ago when she worked for an insurance broker. Her enthusiasm for Salesforce grew and she decided to work as a Salesforce Consultant herself. We introduce her to you.
Carlin about Salesforce
Her first encounter with Salesforce was when the company she worked for at the time opted for a Salesforce implementation. “It was then carried out by an external consultant, but I was responsible for the management and further development of our own Salesforce environment,” she says. ”The more I saw and discovered of the software, the more motivated I became myself” adds Carlijn. That is why she herself made the transition from end customer to consultant a year ago. She was looking for more experience, variety and challenge.
Why Intigris?
And that is also one of the reasons why she chose Intigris. ''What I notice and feel very clearly at Intigris is the team spirit. Going together for the best result'', says Carlijn. ”It is a smaller company where everyone is there for each other, but large enough to have extensive in-house knowledge and to share that knowledge with each other. In addition, I think it is the most fun to think along with the customer in terms of process. To bring the customer question from solution back to problem. What problem do they experience and how can we help the customer with this?" she adds. She is not only looking for more challenges in her work, this is also a recurring subject in her private life. For example, she was a member of a bowling club for a while. To try something new. We know what our next team outing is…